5 Min. Easy Breakfast To De-Bloat!


I don't know about you, but I feel like summer kicks my schedule into high gear. And I kinda love it! I mean, who's gonna complain about beach days and pool parties?

But it does dip into my meal prep time a bit so I've been on the hunt for easy, quick recipes that still make me feel great and help me stick to my #goals. And, babes, have I ever got one for you! This Pear Ginger Almond Parfait is such an easy breakfast! It takes seriously 5 minutes to throw together and leaves me feeling incredible. It even helps me debloat — just in time for swimsuit season!


How I found this recipe

And, real quick, I gotta tell you how I found this recipe. I've been using PlateJoy and I looooove it. It's this custom meal planning assistant that helps you build plans and totally personalized recipes. They even give you grocery lists to make this so super simple!

While I LOVE getting creative and making my own recipes, it's honestly been really hard to find the time lately. With my current busy schedule, I've beenlovinghow simple PlateJoy makes it easy to stay on track with eating flavorful and totally healthy meals! (And

psst!— if you wanna check it out, use my code"LSFKATIE"for10 free daysof PlateJoy plus$10 off.)


What I love about this recipe

Okay, now that I've shared my life hack with you, let's talk more about this recipe. I'm loving it not just because it's such an easy breakfast recipe to de-bloat, but also because pretty much every ingredient in it gives you a boost. It's got:

  • Minced ginger:Ginger helps to kickstart your digestion and stimulate your gastric juices (think: saliva, bile). Sounds kinda gross, I know, but these help your body break down your food well so you don't get bloated.
  • Fresh fruit:The fiber + water combo in the pears and blueberries also help your digestion, keeping everything moving along.
  • Honey:This awesome antioxidant helps to fight free radicals while also shrinking any inflammation in your gut, helping you feel great.
  • Plain yogurt:Have you heard about probiotics? These are the healthy bacteria we need living in our stomachs to break down our food and yogurt has a ton of them!
  • Almonds:Thanks to their healthy omega-3 fatty acids, almonds help you stay fuller longer. Plus, they're rich in antioxidants and add a satisfying crunch to this recipe.

I made a few tweaks to this to make it 100% LSF approved so, ready to get to it? Let's whip this baby up!

Just in time for the Crop Top Crunch Time Challenge!

I've been really focusing on my core because we've got the Crop Top Crunch Time Challenge kicking off next week. This recipe issoooperfect because it helps you banish that belly bloat so you can really see all the results of the work we're going to be putting in during the challenge. So grab your ingredients and get ready!


  • 3 cups 0% plain Greek yogurt
  • 2 pears
  • 1 tsp minced ginger
  • ½ cup sliced almonds
  • 1 tbsp raw honey
  • 1 cup blueberries


  1. Dice pear and mince ginger then mix into a large bowl with yogurt
  2. Separate mixture into 4 small serving bowls
  3. Top with sliced almonds, blueberry, honey, and a bit of extra ginger and pear

Nutrition per serving: 165 Calories, 2g Fat, 24g Carbs, 15g Protein